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Nov 24, 2016

SnowAs a car driver, it is imperative that you are prepared for the variable weather that the winter may bring. Every driver should have a few supplies and emergency items to prepare for the worst. The right items will help you deal with cold weather and potential hazards. After adding these six things to your car this winter, you can relax knowing that you have the right tools to handle things — at least until assistance arrives.

Battery Check

Many car owners have their batteries checked just before the winter to avoid the inconvenience of a dead battery during this time of the year. No one wants to be stuck out in the cold attempting to jump a car with frozen fingers and toes, but unfortunately, things happen. One of the easiest things you can purchase to ease the pain of an unexpected dead battery is a set of jumper cables. Attempting to get juiced up in the cold is bad enough; this way, at least you’ll avoid having to ask around for the cables.

Frugal Safety

Another easy purchase is an ice scraper and brush. Most car parts stores or major retailers offer these at minimal cost. There’s no need to search the kitchen for spatulas and makeshift tools if you have taken the time to get winter-ready. The Home Depot offers a wide variety of ice scrapers and snow brushes for under $20, but a heavy-duty version might cost around $70.

Navigating Danger

A winter storm can go from bad to worse in the blink of an eye. Having a navigation system can prevent you from getting lost at the wrong time or even help you to avoid traffic accumulation that may have occurred as a result of inclement weather. A navigation system may seem like an extra expense or an unnecessary feature, but when the going gets tough, you’ll be at peace knowing you’re at least headed in the right direction.

Just in Case

Believe it or not, snacks are also highly recommended for winter road warriors. Several storms have left people stranded for hours at the mercy of Mother Nature’s timelines. One of the simplest things that drivers can do to improve their survival chances is to purchase a few snacks to leave in the car. This may seem like a minor suggestion to assist with winter preparations, but this is one step that you’ll be glad to have taken if the weather does turn sour.

A Few Must-Haves

Another important purchase for the car is a First Aid Kit. Target makes this a neat process with its Health Essential line. Shoppers can customize their first aid kit with items like band aids, Neosporin, Benadryl, and calamine lotion. Other recommended items include a blanket or sleeping bag, brake fluids, screwdrivers, reflectors, and a flashlight.

Staying Charged

Lastly, a fully charged cell phone is a must. Drivers can purchase a backup battery, an independent battery charger, or a battery charging cell phone case for emergency circumstances.

Although some of these items may seem a bit tedious for the average driver, the winter is unpredictable, so it’s best to be prepared for the worst. Taking the recommended safety precautions won’t do you any harm and will actually be a big help in a bad situation.

Image via pixabay.com