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Feb 9, 2017

First Aid KitFamily road trips and short rides in the car are fun if you have the right supplies. Traffic jams or minor emergencies can cause a change in plans, even on short trips shuttling kids to practice or home from school. Keep the car stocked with a few essential items for a safe and fun trip.

Safety First

Keeping a first aid kit in the car is a good idea for everyone, not just parents. Check the supplies regularly to make sure there is plenty of everything. Remember that ointments and alcohol pads have expiration dates. Roadside emergency kits are another good idea for keeping your family safe if you get a flat tire or other breakdown.  Road flares alert other drivers that there is a stopped car on the side of the road while you change a tire or wait for help. Keep cell phones charged and a car charger handy. A road map and GPS may seem redundant, but both are helpful in different situations.

Keep it Clean

Wipes are vital for kids of all ages. Use them to clean up spills on clothing and in the car. They are a great way for adults and kids to clean their hands and freshen up when there is no water around. Keep tissues and hand sanitizer handy, too. Even on short trips, a change of clothes offers peace of mind. Clean underwear and a fresh outfit can save the day during the potty training years. Remember to keep a spare shirt for mom and dad for those times that dirty little handprints don’t get cleaned fast enough.

Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Be ready for spontaneous play days by keeping a picnic or beach blanket in the car. The blanket will also come in handy for sporting events, especially away games with limited seating. Sunscreen and hats will keep everyone safe from the harsh rays of the sun year-round. Simple toys such as a ball or a Frisbee create hours of entertainment for the entire family. Have a couple of umbrellas or rain ponchos on hand as well for when the weather takes a turn for the worse.

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

Always keep snacks and drinks handy. Water bottles tend to travel better than juice boxes, especially in the warmer weather. Pack snacks that also hold up to all types of weather such as cereal or crackers. Prepackaged individual-size snacks have a longer shelf life and will be better than bagging up your own snacks if they will be in the car for months at a time. Even if the kids are not hungry, sometimes a few Goldfish crackers can go a long way towards keeping little ones occupied and fighting off boredom as well as hunger.

Experienced parents know to expect the unexpected. At the least, cover the basic necessities of food, water, and clothing as well as a few cleaning supplies. Follow these tips to reduce stress for the adults and kids in the car.

Image via pixabay.com